System Testing

      System Testing is Testing over all functionality of the application with respective client requirement.

- it is black box testing technique.

- this testing is conducted by testing team.

 * System Testing Focuses on below aspects

 1. -    User Interface Testing(GUI) -

     -    A GUI Testing is includes the all the elments such    

          as menus,checkbox,buttons,colors,

          Fonts,sizes,icons,content,and images..etc.

 2. -    Usability Testing -

       -  During this testing validates application provide   

           context sensitive help or not to the user.

       -  Check how easily the end users are able to      

           understand and operate the application is called 

           usability testing.

3. -     Functional Testing - 

        - Functionality is nothing but testing the behavior                of application.

        - Functional testing talks about how your                             feature should work

*Functional Testing includes - 

# Object Properties Testing =

    verifying the elements properties for ex, radio button  

    focus or a checkbox have different value , all fields

    have proper validations.


# Database Testing/Backend Testing = 

    Internally have to lots of testing. it's Includes - White   

    Box OR Black Box Merge its A Gray Box testing.

  * It includes 

    DML Operations - 

    checks the inserting data , updating data, selecting 

    data , are working with data base is correct ot not. 

    thats verify in data base testing.

  in databaes there multiple tables , to insure that the          Data are stored in related table or not.

# Error Handling - 

    -  Verifying the errors on the UI. 

    -  Calculation / Manipulations Testing.

    -  Links Existence & Links Execution - 

  links we are the place - its working fine or not -   

  click   by link its go to related page or not.

   -  Cookies & Sessions - 

  checks , the application is save tha data proper or              not.


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