Unit Testing And Integration Testing

Unit Testing & Integration Testing

 # Unit Testing -

- Unit testing conducts on single program or single module.

- in unit testing small components or program test by the developer.

- Whenever the application is ready and given to the Test engineer, he/she will start checking every component of the module or module of the application independently or one by one, and this process is known as Unit testing or components testing.

- Unit testing is white box testing technique.

* Unit Testing techniques -:

- Basis path testing 

- Control structure testing

- Conditional Coverage

- loops coverage

# Integration Testing - 

- Integration testing performed between 2 or more modules.

- integration testing focuses on checking data communication between multiple modules.

- integrated testing is white box testing technique.

 * Types of integration testing

- 1) incremental integration testing

- 2) Non- Incremental integration testing

 (1) incremental integration testing -  incrementally adding the modules and testing the data flow between the modules.

- in this 2 Appoches have

  i - Top Down incremental integration testing :-

  ii- Bottom- up incremental integration testing :-

 (2) Non- Incremental integration testing - Adding all the modules in a single shot and test the data flow between modules.

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